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Solitaire with tanzanite

December’s Gems of Wonder

Tanzanite, Topaz, and More Unveiled December is a month of shimmering elegance, where festive celebrations meet the enchantment of winter. Its birthstones—Tanzanite, Topaz, Zircon, and Turquoise—radiate the magic of the special season, each with a unique hue and story to tell. From the vivid blues of Tanzanite and Topaz (not only) to the ancient brilliance…

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Aquamarine pendant

Unveiling the enchanting Aquamarine or March’s captivating gemstone

What has Princess Diana and Princess Letizia in common? Both owning beautiful jewellery pieces with the captivating March Birthstone, the Aquamarine.  Princess Diana, known for her impeccable taste in jewellery, was often seen wearing a stunning aquamarine ring. Whereas Princess Letizia was seen with bright blue, pear-shaped aquamarine and diamond earrings. Lastly worn by her…

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